Chewing IT

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How Could Your Business Be Impacted by the New SEC Cybersecurity Requirements?

Cybersecurity has become paramount for businesses across the globe. As technology advances, so do the threats. Recognizing this, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has introduced new rules. They revolve around cybersecurity. These new requirements are set to significantly impact businesses. These rules are a response to the growing sophistication of cyber threats. As […]

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How to Organize Your Cybersecurity Strategy into Left and Right of Boom

In the pulsating digital landscape, every click and keystroke echoes through cyberspace. The battle for data security rages on. Businesses stand as both guardians and targets. Unseen adversaries covet their digital assets. To navigate this treacherous terrain takes a two-pronged approach. Businesses must arm themselves with a sophisticated arsenal of cybersecurity strategies. On one side,

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What Is the Most Secure Way to Share Passwords with Employees?

Breached or stolen passwords are the bane of any organization’s cybersecurity. Passwords cause over 80% of data breaches. Hackers get in using stolen, weak, or reused (and easily breached) passwords. But passwords are a part of life. Technologies like biometrics or passkeys haven’t yet replaced them. We use them for websites, apps, and more. So,

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people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers

Coolest Smart Gadgets at Europe’s Biggest Tech Trade Show (IFA)

Every year, tech enthusiasts eagerly anticipate Europe’s most prominent technology trade show. It’s the Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin, or simply IFA. This is a showcase of the latest and greatest innovations in consumer electronics. The show includes everything from cutting-edge smartphones to futuristic smart home gadgets. IFA never fails to impress. Let’s take a closer look

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black and white laptop computer

7 Helpful Features Rolled Out in the Fall Windows 11 Update

In a world where technology constantly evolves, Microsoft stands at the forefront. It continues to pioneer innovations. Innovations that transform how we interact with our digital universe. The fall Windows 11 update is a testament to Microsoft’s commitment to excellence. It’s more than just an upgrade. It’s a leap into the future of computing. Microsoft

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What Is SaaS Ransomware & How Can You Defend Against It?

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has revolutionized the way businesses operate. It offers convenience, scalability, and efficiency. No more dragging software from one device to another. Everyone can collaborate easily in the cloud. But alongside its benefits, SaaS brings with it potential threats. When software and data are online, they’re more vulnerable to attacks. One of the latest

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10 Biggest Cybersecurity Mistakes of Small Companies

Cybercriminals can launch very sophisticated attacks. But it’s often lax cybersecurity practices that enable most breaches. This is especially true when it comes to small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs). Small business owners often don’t prioritize cybersecurity measures. They may be just fully focused on growing the company. They think they have a lower data breach

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